
Le Ragnaie estate extends over an area of 28 hectares within the municipality of Montalcino, in the province of Siena. Our lands are cultivated with vineyards and olive groves, following the guidelines of Organic Agriculture.

Our vineyards

We have great luck being able to cultivate highly suitable vineyards in three different micro-areas of Montalcino. This allows us to make wines that are different from each other and bear witness to their territory. Our vineyards are planted exclusively with Sangiovese grapes, grown according to the guidelines for Organic Agriculture.
We do not use chemical products apart from Bordeaux mixture and powdered mine sulphur, both within the limits set by organic farming.
We do not use fertilizers except for a green manure obtained in autumn based on legumes, clover and other herbs which help regenerate the soil weighed down by summer tillage. This process enriches the soil with organic substances, penetrating it down to the roots of the various species sown.
Furthermore, grass cover prevents surface erosion by promoting the absorption of water in the soil. It is also an important habitat for many species of animals and insects, guaranteeing the formation of a rich ecosystem – essential to the health of the vineyards.

Fornace and Loreto



The vineyard is located at an altitude of 400 m above sea level, where the soils developed out of Messinian lake and lagoon deposits – a plain belonging to the Miocene era, abbreviated MESb – characterized by polygenic conglomerates (conglomerate: stones with a sub-rounded shape). This soil presents a scarce skeleton with pebbles, moderately deep, with silty/loamy texture, moderately alkaline pH, and a very calcareous composition.


The vineyard is located at an altitude of 395 m above sea level, where the soils developed out of Messinian lake and lagoon deposits – a plane belonging to the Miocene era, abbreviated MESb – characterized by polygenic conglomerates (conglomerate: stones with a sub-rounded shape). This soil presents a skeleton with abundant pebbles, deep, with loose textures, moderately alkaline pH, and a calcareous composition.

Cava Nuova and Cava Vecchia

Cava Nuova and Vecchia

The vineyards are located immediately below the town of Castelnuovo dell’Abate, at an altitude of 200 m above sea level. The soils develop on the Santa Fiora Unit – Sillano Formation, abbreviated SIL; Upper Cretaceous – Paleocene age, (very ancient formations), characterized by grey-brown clay stones and calcilutites (stones which can also be very large). This soil is moderately deep, with a skeleton (stones larger than 2 mm) of a calcareous nature, with different sizes and irregular shapes, loose textures, moderately alkaline pH, and a calcareous composition.

Casanovina Montosoli


Casanovina Montosoli

The vineyards are located at an elevation ranging between 250 and 300 m above sea level. The soils developed out of marine sediments from the Pliocene age – abbreviated FAA. This soil is characterized by clay and silty clay, no skeleton (stones larger than 2 mm), moderately deep, with clayey to silty clay textures, medium alkaline to sub alkaline pH, a calcareous and saline composition, with a predominant salinity from sulfates – which characterize the Casanovina Vineyards. The soils of the Casanovina Montosoli Vineyard develop on top of the Santa Fiora Unit – Sillano Formation, abbreviated SIL; Cretaceous Sup. – Paleocene age (very ancient formations), characterized by gray-brown clays and calcilutites (stones which can also be very large). Soils are shallow to moderately deep, with a calcareous skeleton (stones larger than 2 mm) of different sizes and irregular shapes, including the lamellar marl type. They have clay textures, sub alkaline pH and a calcareous to very calcareous composition.




The vineyard is located just below the town of Montalcino, from an elevation of 600 m above sea level. The soils develop out of the Pietraforte Formation, abbreviated PTF; Cretaceous Sup age (very old formation), characterized by sandstones (including large stones) and feldspathic and carbonate quartzose siltstones. These soils have an abundant skeleton in the soil matrix (stones larger than 2 mm), are moderately deep, with loose textures (presence of sand), moderately acid pH and a poorly calcareous composition.




The vineyard is located at an elevation of 250 m above sea level. The soils develop out of marine-derived sediments of Pliocene age, abbreviated FAA. They are characterized by clays and silty clays, no skeleton (stones larger than 2 mm), moderately deep, with clayey to silty clay textures, medium alkaline to sub alkaline pH, a calcareous and saline composition – with a predominant salinity from sulfates.




The vineyard is located just below the town of Montalcino, at an elevation of 400 m above sea level. The soils develop out on the Pietraforte Formation, abbreviated PTF; Cretaceous Sup age (very old formation), characterized by sandstones (including large stones) and feldspathic and carbonate quartzose siltstones. These soils have an abundant skeleton in the soil matrix (stones larger than 2 mm), are moderately deep, with loose textures (presence of sand), moderately acid pH and a poorly calcareous composition.